MonthOctober 2020

Week 7: Final Narrative Beats & Preparing for User Studies

  • This week’s objectives:
    • Finish the tea clip behavior.
    • Implement rough prototype of Start Menu and In-World Ads. 
    • Write a rough draft of the User Study Forms. 
  • The tea behavior works the following way: 
    • The user must fill the teapot with water from the sink. Once the water particles hit the teapot, a liquid will appear as if it is full. 
    • If the user holds it to close to themselves, it will clip and a glitch effect will appear. Water particles will fall out and the liquid will disappear. The user will have to fill it up again. 
    • Once the teapot makes contact with the teabag, all the remaining liquids and particle systems will be brown. The clipping will go on, so the user just has to manage to pour it onto the mug without letting it clip.
Teleporting visual instructions. Exploring ways of tutorializing in VR using mimicry and space.
  •  The Start Menu is in place featuring a portrait of movement the player can mimic. There is another model of the main avatar throwing their head, inviting the player to do the same. The user can enter the portrait and practice throwing their head and teleporting. There are some few written lines, one about throwing the head to teleport and another about pressing the grip button if they ever need to recalibrate their body to their head. 
    • Once the user is ready, they can enter the portrait which has their camera view as a texture, and begin the experience. 
First implementation of absurd in-world ad. These are triggered by gaze and use mask shaders to give the illusion of penetrating the structures.
  • The first pass at the user study forms has a consent page and the formulaire with three questions. As of now, they are pretty open. These are:
    • Is this your first experience with VR? If not, tell us about your previous experience. 
    • Please describe in your own words what this experience was about.
    • Long-answer response: identify anything odd you experienced. Some areas that you could talk about are narrative, interactions, main character, secondary characters, settings, and overall feelings/perceptions about the story. 
  • In the coming week I will: 
    • Get the experience to a point where I can show users. 
    • Polish user study forms. 
    • Enlist at least 5 users for the following week to begin tests. 

Week 6: Final intentional glitches + the future of advertising in VR

Oct 19-23 

  • This week’s objectives:
    • Finish the end of the third scene (Plug behavior and scene transition)
    • Write at least 1,000 more words. 
    • Start implementing the final tea glitch. 
  • I was able to accomplish the first two, but unable to finish the tea glitch since I have to decide how I want the user to be able to fix the glitch. Further, I am having difficulties with simulating water since the physics are non-trivial. As of now, I have two major issues: 
    • I was using a water simulation system before that was too non-performant. Now I am using the Unity particle system with collision detection for the particles. They have difficulties recognizing meshes, though, so when I pour the water onto a teapot they fall through. 
    • I am still unsure how to have the user “fix” the clipping. Beforehand I thought I would have them extend their face but this wouldn’t be visible and thus apparent to them. It would also force them to have the controllers dangerously close to their headsets. I’m thinking maybe another fix like opening a closet full of heads and choosing a smaller one might be better. 
  • Issues that arose during this week’s discussions that I was able to address were two: 
    • Anti-robbery door was fixed. Now once the user grabs the tea, the door won’t open again until they finish the transaction interaction. 
    • Study of immersive ad strategies for a more relevant portrayal of them in virtual ads. I included the two concepts I sketched out for the start and pause menu and in-world ads that mainly draw on interactive product models and mini-games where users can simulate consumption in otherworldly ways (these are enticing, but not true to life: ( see 0:39). 
Start and pause menu where the user can step into the portal of the current camera texture to reenter the experience where they left it off. Portraits that are also portals feature models of the main avatar navigating by throwing their head and doing other things that serve as a tutorial for the player.
First pass for in-world ads. The user can step into them like portals, and sometimes models of the products can interact with the world in absurd ways.

Here from the future to add the clip of how this add implementation worked out: